Also follow us on Instagram : @dcgujuniors

Also follow us on Instagram : @dcgujuniors
Junior Policies & Important Documents
The guidelines listed below should be taken into consideration at all Junior events, matches and Championships which are under the control of the Warwickshire Union of Golf Clubs.
We understand that your Child is of utmost importance to you but we ask that whilst spectating at Junior events, you do not get directly involved with the match / event your Child is playing in unless of course there is an obvious health and safety issue that needs addressing at that point time.
The reason for “giving them space” is firstly so that they can develop their skills (both golf and social) with their peers without any further pressure or influence by their parents / guardians. Secondly, any involvement or contact with your Child could be construed by others as “giving advice” which could result in your Child being disqualified or having penalties applied. With this in mind please also refer to the code of conduct for Spectators which can also be found within the downloadable documents section of www.warwickshiregolfunion.com
To assist the County and your Child parents should:
- Take an interest and be supportive in their child’s activity and progress.
- Introduce themselves to the adults involved in the supervision of County junior activities, such as the County Coaches, Team Managers, Championship and Union Committee members.
- Obtain any good practice guidance for children from the County Union (such as the Code of Conduct for players) and go through it with your child.
- Be punctual when dropping off and picking up your children for/from coaching, competitions and matches.
- Take an interest in whom your son is playing with.
- Have clear lines of communication with your Team Manager or County Coach to keep up with your child’s progress.
- Ensure that the County Organiser of an event has an emergency contact number for you when you are away from the club – a mobile would be preferable, and that you leave your mobile on so that you can be contacted in an emergency.
- Advise the County if your child has particular needs (allergies, physical disabilities, learning disabilities) to ensure your child is provided for in the best way possible.
Please note that the last two items on this list can be actioned by filling out the Warwickshire Union
Parental Consent Form which can be completed on-line here:
This data will be stored securely and if ANY of your details change (address, phone number etc) then please complete the form again.
On behalf of the Warwickshire Golf Union we thank you for your co-operation